
Thursday, 31 October 2013

Touch Sport By Leiani

you have to vs the girls on girls and boys on boys that was horld vsing people like use and we have to listen good to the Touch man and i think it was very good doing it to and haveing fun with playing into it and we think that finding things like playing sport's post to not be hord on use and never forget how much fun we had in playing Touch with the man that should use and that was my day.And i really injoy our frezz frame.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Xtra maths

yay this is how match i got on my blog todays results.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

xtra maths

thats not good that i alwaysc get a x and a ticki and a  thats good.

math whizz results

Inline image 1

hi i never movie p because i need to make more progress on the             thats where you can go.

Friday, 25 October 2013

xtra maths

hi guys thanks for watching my Xtra maths everyone bye guys

Thursday, 24 October 2013


this is my Xtra-maths for today. And i hope you have like it i need to work on my xxx becaused there is to match from today.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Xtra maths

this is my xtra maths i got 10 :) and i got 94 tickis that is amazing i can't belive my eyes wow and i got 6 wrong today

injoy and give use a comment.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


hi everyone i hope you had a great day too injoy the sun its nice weather. i hope that i can movie all the way to my takeaways.

Monday, 21 October 2013

wisher from leilani

how do you get this you say its on thats where you can get it and injoy the week that you hve left.


yes igot more and i prove it today is the luckyest day ever YaY.


i need to make more in prove more then less because that is not good when my teacher find out that i did this.

Inline image 1

Friday, 18 October 2013

tamaki river

this is my popplet on the tamaki river. from lani


this is great because i got more YAY!!! im happy today because i got 27 :) 

and i only got two wroung today is tearm 4 and i hope that you had a great day 

of the week todays report.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

xtra math

this is not good at all i need to work harder then last time because Miss paton and the class room five.